Saturday, January 14, 2006
it was a dark and stormy night...
actually it's not stormy but it is dark. and really foggy. we have a chance of thundershowers tonight. and some snow later on. they may have changed the forecast since i looked at it this morning.
the cats and i all had a good nap. it's so nice to wake up without lousy dreams klunking around in my head.
the Roos finally stopped banging on the wall earlier, though i thought jackiesue's suggestion was very, very good.
i'm depressed and hyper. what the hell kind of a combination is that? i just took some klonopin to try to slow things down. my mind is racing. and it is unpleasant. unpleasant, i say.
i'm over three hundred dollars in the hole at the bank and i have to pay my condo fees tomorrow. sean was supposed to see about getting me a loan for it, but she forgot. and i was too shy to bring it up. and i got a notice that they're going to cut off my modem. so that's going to put me more in the hole. i don't know how long they're going to allow me to have a negative balance in the bank. i'm not going to worry about that today. i don't know what i'd do without my modem. i don't give a shit about the television, i only get like seven channels anyway. but the modem. can't do without that. really can't. enough whining, i'm putting it out of mind for now. i think.
the klonopin is starting to kick in a little. i can feel my back relaxing, which means i'm not shaking so much.
enough about me. i'm boring myself...
Posted by Lisa ::
5:17 PM ::
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