Monday, January 09, 2006
i couldn't find all of my bank statements. and of course, they had to be the important ones. so i worked up my nerve to go to the bank and i couldn't get them. they only have them back six months. i have to wait for them to mail them to me. and they cost five dollars each. and two dollars per item...i think that means per page. what a rip-off. so sean and i can't go to the SS office today. i've tried to reach her a couple of times, but just got her voicemail. i'd just as soon she didn't come then i could go back to bed. i'll try her one more time in a few minutes. damn, i didn't even ask the woman at the bank how long it usually takes to get the statements. damn.
took a nap this morning. i don't seem to dream when i nap during the day. it's only at night. maybe i should take to a napping schedule and skip the all night sleep. oh, hell, i take naps all the time anyway. and i still sleep most nights.
all four kitties are in the same room. i love that when they're all together. three of them are dozing, one is trying to get between me and the puter. i think she actually wants dinner, but it's a tad early for that. she's always ready to eat, especially since i started getting the Fancy Feast. as long as i get it at walmart, it's not too expensive. i still throw the 9 Lives at them from time to time. and i get the cheapest dry food. so it all works out.
Phuck. i couldn't reach sean. left a message this time. but she's supposed to be here in about ten minutes, so i expect that she didn't get it. i just don't want to see anyone today. i don't want to go for lousy coffee. who knows? maybe i can talk to her a little bit.
i have stupid squid therapy in the morning. i think it's just a waste of time. i don't know. i feel like i don't know anything. not sure of anything. everything feels upside down and backwards. i do know that if i couldn't blog, it would be worse. i've met so many wonderful people.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:15 PM ::
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