Monday, January 16, 2006
nothing is coming to me
i'm cold and restless. and i really just want to crawl into bed, put in a good movie and relax. but i don't feel like i can do that.
okay, now i've taken all my nighttime pills just have to hang in there until they work. i'm glad that there are no razor blades in the house. or am i glad? i don't know. i don't know why i'm feeling this way. i wish that i didn't have to see the squid in the morning.but i cancelled the week before last because of the weather, i can't cancel again. wish i could just stop going. right now, i don't want to leave my house for anything. i want the nurse to come in the morning and to be able to go back to bed once she is gone. man, i hate feeling like this. the meds aren't helping yet to calm me down. it's taken me over an hour to write this much. i keep getting up and pacing around. aww, fuck it. i'm going to see what happens if i try to go to bed.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:51 PM ::
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