Sunday, January 22, 2006
pre-game shows
to be exact, football pre-game shows. i hate them. if football is scheduled to begin at 2pm, i expect the kick-off at 2:01. i don't want an hour of fluff before the game. once the game started, ella wouldn't give up the pillow. oliver was smack dab in the middle of the bed. and boo was mimicking my every move. i couldn't get comfortable around the cats and so i gave up on watching the game.
talksalot knocked at my door while i was upstairs. i heard the knock, looked out the window, didn't see any cars, so i decided it was no one important. then i saw talksalot heading back to her condo.
we're supposed to get a significant amount of snow tomorrow. it was sixty here yesterday. wtf? i mean, really, wtf? sean will probably stay home. she came from San Francisco seven years ago and she's still a snow wimp. that means another day totally alone except for the nurse. this morning the nurse talked for fifteen minutes about her son. it really was fifteen minutes. didn't ask me how i was. told me how she was. i know that i really should tell marsha about it when she does that but i don't want to get anyone in trouble.
special thanks to jackiesue for explaining in one of her posts exactly what fubar stands for. i've heard the word, knew it wasn't a good thing but never knew exactly what it stood for. now that i know, i think i'll use the word a lot. fubar, it's fubared!
i spent the morning sleeping. got up around one. and i'm ready for another nap. or some mac and cheese. i'm not sure which.
the same car keeps passing the house. maybe it's fubared.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:56 PM ::
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