Tuesday, January 24, 2006
fresh linen
that's the candle scent that i'm burning right now. it's almost totally dark outside. it's the only light besides the glow of the puter.
just came back about an hour ago from having coffee with sean. she was supposed to come at two-fifteen, she showed at three o'clock. ahh, but i was thinking ahead and called marsha and put off going into the office until tomorrow. -grins-
i knew that sean wouldn't really be here at the time she said. i'm starting to catch on. this time she did apologize. she helped me take out the trash. it took two trips it had been quite a while since she'd come to the house.
we're going to the social security office thursday morning.i'm nervous about it. i don't know how long it will take to get a check. thanks to someone's thoughfulness and kindness i'm enjoying the luxury of a cigarette and the cats ate well this afternoon. i got their favorites. ella and boo ate so much, i'm expecting to go upstairs later and find barf. probably on the bed. chuckie didn't partake. she was too busy sleeping and snoring but i saved her some.
i feel pretty good today. it was the first time i'd had coffee since sometime last week. i think that has something to do with it.i am still shaky. when sean and i went to coffee,she had to help me fill my cup (yes, there they just give you a cup and they have a row of self-serve carafes) and put the cream in.
i saw the squid this morning and she had a terrible cold. and i was sitting there thinking of whether i touched anything she did or if i didn't have to worry about her cooties.
anyway, back to feeling pretty good today...i don't know if it's just a fluke or if it's here to stay for a while. i certainly have things going on that could depress me but they don't seem to be getting to me. and the regular depression isn't too bad today. it's not smacking me upside the head.(knock on wood)
i'm thinking of my mother and brother a lot. it's because of the dreams i'm having. i seem to have variations of the same one every night. they've been getting worse and worse. i'd love to get a night's of dreamless sleep.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:23 PM ::
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