Thursday, January 26, 2006
home again, home again
i survived. with out sean, i never would have been able to do it. i'd have left fourteen times while i was waiting. i brought the guy all my bank statements for the past year plus my receipts for the computers. he said that he'd have to go through it all on monday. and i should get the first check in 10-14 days. they'll pay me retroactively for the time that i went under 2,000 dollars. though the first check will just be for one month. the bank just called me to discuss my negative balance. i told her that i planned to go in and talk to someone about it. i probably won't do that until monday. sean and i are going to the food bank tomorrow and i think that's all i'm going to be up for. she brought me a coffee and a bottle of orange juice minus the rust i had found on the inside of the can i got from the food pantry. the one she gave me was much better.
at the social security office, we had to wait for our number to be called, then wait to see "mr. goodwin". (i guess they don't give out their first names so no one will track them down and kill them.)
my condo fee check cleared, so i can stop worrying about that, thank heavens. i really would have died of embarrassment had that bounced. and i'm thinking that i'll use that occasionly overdraft protection to pay my cable bill. i'm still a little nerved up from going to the ss office so i'm going to take a chill pill and then go to the cable office. hopefully i'll avert them shutting it off. don't know what i'd do without my blog buddies.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:23 AM ::
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