Wednesday, January 25, 2006
i went to sleep after the nurse left and slept til two. i was tired all day yesterday, then after getting up in the middle of the night for a few hours. i didn't even go back to bed, i slept on the couch. which, by the way, is very comfortable.
i just came back from seeing Marsha. it's always good to see her.
i was hoping to see sean today. she was supposed to call when she was free but i haven't heard from her so i guess we're not meeting. i hope she calls anyway. i'd like to check in with her. but she's probably heading home by now. she's supposed to pick me at nine tomorrow morning for the dreaded visit to the ss office. i have to make sure tonight that i have everything that i need. nothing like waiting until the last minute. i think i have everything, just have to mark a few debit amounts to show the washer and dryer and the stove and the refrigerator. i think they should be able to figure out Bob's Discount Furniture. then again, you never know, this is the government we're talking about.
so far, no sign of squid's cooties.
now i'm getting tired again.
not much significant to say, i guess. i think i'll go stare at the microwave until my potato is done.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:25 PM ::
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