Monday, January 30, 2006
i'm listening....
to Andrea Bocelli. for those of you who don't know of him, he's an opera singer, blind since birth. Ave Maria is what he's singing right now. my mother had them play that at her mother's funeral. and it occurred to me that i didn't have them play anything at my mother's funeral. it was hard being in charge of it all. what clothes to bring, what to write in the obituary, everything. i don't think i could handle it now. but i handled it then and never let my weakness show. i was a rock. for my sister, my brother. a real rock of strength. i don't know how i did it. i don't know how i took care of her for years. i don't know how i stayed up all night in the ICU and then in the nursing home. i honestly don't know how i did it all. except that i had to. no one else was going to do it, and i had to. yeah, to be fair, my sister took some time off from work and stayed with her, but not all night. telling her to get back into bed when she was confused. making her get back in bed. the day she died, i went home for a nap. it was when i came back that she died. my sister said, she was waiting for you.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:21 PM ::
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