Sunday, January 29, 2006
yawn, sniffle, yawn
guess what? i went back to bed after icky, stern nurse left. quite the surprise, huh? got up at noon, at which time, the cats informed me that they were going to eat NOW! yes masters, i will feed you. i haven't given them the tuna fish yet. haven't gotten that fancy albacore since the first visit to the food pantry. rats! but they enjoy the chunk light just as well. i was hoping for some albacore for me. but i guess it was a fluke. oh well...
okay, slept for another three hours.it's raining. ella and i have done two trips to the door only so that i could open it, she could look outside and run back inside. she was game for a third trip, but i told her to go do something constructive. chuckie is snoring away in the chair. oliver and boo are still in bed.
the rain is okay, better than snow. we were supposed to have a nor'easter on tuesday but they've decided that it's going to go to our east. sorry you folks in Boston.
i think i'm finally going to watch a movie.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:37 PM ::
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