Wednesday, February 01, 2006
pdoc appt.
first of all, when a candle is so low in the glass container that you can't reach it with a lighter, do not attempt to light it with your cigarette. it doesn't work and it makes the cigarette taste like wax. that was the lesson for the day. just learned.
didn't get to see Marsha today. she was out sick. but sean and i did meat before my pdoc. appt. she asked me if i wanted coffee and came back with this huge one. she usually gets me a medium. i said, this is a medium?? she said that the mediums seemed so small. so now i'm hyper on half a gallon of coffee.
the pdoc got my ekg back. everything was fine. good the results of the blood work. my prolactin (no, i don't know what that is other than a hormone) was high. the risperdal makes it go up for some reason. that's why i haven't had a period in over a year. hell, that's fine with me....don't want to cut down on the risperdal. but we did. she said to only use the prn if the voices got really bad. i told her i was less depressed than the last time i saw her. which is true. except for a few days. sean said, she could tell. that i was more "engaged." i love it when they throw around those psych words. my pdoc is so nice.always asks me if the changes are all right with me. makes sure that any questions that i have are answered. of course sean has more questions than i do. i'm just thinking about how long i have until i get to leave. the pdoc did say that the raise in the prolactin level could make me more depressed. so i guess i'll put up with a period if i'm going to be less depressed. i guess=you bet your ass.
i've been up longer than i have been in the last four days. did sleep for a couple of hours after icky, stern nurse left. but i've been up since eleven and i don't feel sleepy. maybe it really was the cold, which seems to be pretty much gone now. shortest cold i ever had. i'm not complaining, fine with me.
talked with my sister a little bit ago. we're going for the $7.99 prime rib tomorrow night.
didn't intend for this to be this long of a post.
oh and BEWARE, Babs really does have an army of cockroaches, so don't get on her bad side.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:18 PM ::
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