Wednesday, February 01, 2006
i had a cat when i was in my twenties. her name was Pooker. her markings looked kind of like a holstein cow. she was long-haired and had double paws.
i got her at college. i was going in to work at registration and she was sitting outside the door. i pet her. and when i came out eight hours later, she was still sitting there. so i decided if she followed me, i'd take her home. well she didn't follow me so i went back to get her. the whole ride home, about half an hour, she spent sitting on my shoulder, looking at the sites.
i lived on a busy street so i didn't want her to go out. so i'd drive her to day care (my mother's) every day where she could go out and i'd pick her up when i got out of school. she did errands with me in the car. to the bank, things like that. the tellers at the drive-through got to know her. said they were going to get some cat treats. she was never afraid to ride in the car. in fact a few months before she disappeared, i saw her getting out of someone else's car.
the problem was that i moved into a two room apt. after a break-up and i didn't think that i could manage two cats in such a small apt. on a very busy street. i already had boo. so i brought Pooker to my mother's. the problem was that she hated one of my mother's cat, so much so that she'd insist on going out in the worst weather to get away from the other cat. she'd go out when it was really cold out. one day we found a note attached to her collar. saying that it was too cold for a cat to be out. i'm assuming this person was letting her into her house for the night. probably the same person whose car i saw her get out of. i thnk eventually, Pooker just started to live at that person's house. i had stopped doing the day care thing and she spent all her time at my mother's. finally one day, my mother said that she hadn't been around in weeks. i think the people either moved and took her with them or Pooker just decided to stay with them full time. my mother told me that Pooker thought i had just abandoned her. i thought that was a rotten thing to say. i just hope that her new home was wonderful.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:10 PM ::
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