Wednesday, February 01, 2006
oh and....
nothing really. i'm just really hyper and don't know what to do with myself. i think the neighbors would object to jumping jacks. on second thought, the Roos should have no exception to that. they do enough of it themselves.
i could clean. but i'm not that hyper. besides, the cats are comfy in their little places in the living room and the vacuum would send them flying. i could unpack some shit. but no, don't care enough about that either. i think i need to drink more coffee. yeah, that's it. more COFFEE!!! oh how i've missed my iced coffee at home. but now i have creamer and ice. and yes, it'll make me cold but otherwise, i'd be drinking cold water, so really there's no difference.
i'm getting hungry. it's bean burritos tonight. i just don't feel like making them. the yucky juice that comes out of the black bean can. i know i'm just rambling, but i don't care. okay, i'm through.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:30 PM ::
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