Monday, February 06, 2006
bad dreams, bad dreams, whatcha gonna do?
woke up in the middle of the night with horrid dreams. more guilt dreams. went back to sleep eventually and had some more. went back to sleep after the nurse came, for a dreamless sleep.
i didn't end up watching the Super Bowl last night. but Babs kept me informed. i was rooting for the Steelers.
going to meet sean early this afternoon. i ran out of creamer and when you're used to drinking it with creamer and you drink it black, it takes some getting used to. mostly i feel bad for ella. she doesn't understand why she isn't getting her creamer.
it's a nice sunny day, but the wind is making it cold.
i don't know what made me think of this but one of H's former girlfriends had the bright idea to try to cook bacon on the outdoor grill. needless to say the grill didn't like the bacon grease. flames high in the air. geez, i hope he doesn't tell his fiancee the stupid things i did...i'm sure he doesn't. that was the only, well, one of the only things that he told me about her.
i keep looking at my finger and expecting to see my ring there. ~sigh~ better than losing the finger.
sean brought me two cds on friday to listen to. one was good. the other one was just an empty case. that's so sean. she's going to be embarrassed when i bring them back to her today. not truly embarrassed, i've seen her turn red once. i don't even remember why. it may have been when i told her it was National Orgasm Day. a real holiday, i swear. only took her a minute to recover, then she wondered if she told her supervisor if she'd get the day off.
the cats are eating. the only time that they get that close to each other. except oliver and ella. when they both sleep on the bed sometimes they'll sleep back to back touching each other.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:00 AM ::
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