Sunday, February 05, 2006
all i want to do...
is go back to sleep. slept through the night again without getting up once.
i hope that whatever the nurse is bringing today will get the ring off. i tried a couple of ways but they didn't work. i can't wait for her to come so that i can go back to sleep. these allergies make me tired. even though i got almost seven hours last night. i want more. i hope she comes soon. you can never tell when this one is going to come. could be early, could be late. i hate waiting.
had some weird dreams last night. better than nightmares. i've been having weird dreams a lot. c'mon damned nurse, i want to go back to sleep. hopefully a dreamless sleep.
it's a bleak, grey day. it just stopped raining. the sun is supposed to come out later and warm things up.
it's been an hour since i started this stupid post and the nurse still hasn't shown up. i hate it when she's late. damn, i want to go back to bed.
that's enough for a whiney, complaining post.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:20 AM ::
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