Monday, February 06, 2006
back from coffee....
the COFFEE was good today. not strong, but flavorful. not much to say. hoping that the SS check comes today.
it looks like spring here. with all the snow melting. but i won't be fooled. we'll probably get a big snowstorm soon.
gosh i want poppers. what is that? drool?
i made the mistake of telling sean that the dr.'s office has called twice to remind me that i need to make an appt.
she just called and said that she'd made me an appt. for me next friday. damn! since i'm out of one of my inhalers and my allergy spray, well, i just hope that i can get them before the appt. or i'll have to explain why i wasn't taking the meds. hello, i'm poor and couldn't give the pharmacy anything so i didn't get them refilled. that'll be embarrassing. at least this appt. is with the doctor instead of one of the dr.'s assistants. he's very sweet. an older guy.
ella likes to sit on the router when i won't let her get up on my lap, like if i'm smoking. must be warm on her butt.she's such a sweet cat. i can't imagine what i'd do without my kitties.
i've got the squid in the morning. i want to talk to her about these dreams but i don't know if i can. people have said that i have nothing to feel guilty about but the dreams continue. i don't know that telling her would make a difference. plus it's harder to tell people in person than to write about it in my blog. i don't know...
Posted by Lisa ::
3:20 PM ::
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