Monday, February 06, 2006
no sleep tonight
at least that's my plan. i did take my meds about an hour ago and laid down with the cat and tried to go to sleep but i was restless and afraid of the dreams that would come. i just want it to be tomorrow morning. i can't take another night of those guilt dreams. i just can't do it. i have some extra meds, that if i took them, would probably knock me out. but then i'd still have to worry about the dreams. it's been over a year since i sold the house. you'd think the guilt would have run its course. obviously not. i just can't take it anymore. if i had razor blades......but i don't.
i got a care package from overseas today. all the chocolate i could want. and it's delicious.i've done some sampling.
i learned a new fact today. light roast coffee has more caffeine than dark roast. apparently, the longer you roast the beans, the more caffeine you lose. and i've been getting the dark roast all this time. today, sean got me a light roast and shared that little bit of trivia with me. gee, how did she know that i'd want the extra caffeine? i can't imagine.
i miss my ring.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:30 PM ::
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