Thursday, February 09, 2006
i just was looking at a suicide prevention site that i got off of Denise's page. i'm not afraid of dying. i am afraid of what it would to do my sister and what would happen to my kitties.
my sister has been acting strangely. since before bumblefuck pulled that crap on her. she had a lump in her breast removed, turned out not to be cancerous but she didn't tell me about it until after, and through email. the second thing was that she was in the hospital for bronchitis. turns out she was going outside for smokes but she didn't call me.she told me later through email as well. with teressa's help, i formulated an email basically asking why she wasn't sharing these things with me until afterwards. i sent that to her a week ago and haven't heard anything back. i don't know if she hasn't checked her email or if she's ignoring it. all that makes me think that she doesn't need me. but i still don't know what would happen to the cats. and that worries me.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:55 PM ::
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