Thursday, February 09, 2006
that desperate feeling....
i really want to cut. i just had rice and mustard which didn't help anything. i couldn't face another naked bowl of white rice. the mustard didn't do much for it. rather gross actually. eating it just depressed me further. i know that i'm lucky to have anything. but yuck!
everything seems so out of control. i'm either angry and worried or i'm crying. i know that cutting would make me feel better. but only for a while. damn. cried all the way home from seeing sean tuesday because i didn't know how i was going to get dry food for the kitties. fortunately i had enough change to get a box of food. i have to tell her tomorrow that i need some things from the store. she's coming over to help with the trash. and maybe we can go to the grocery store. i'm going to have to start blowing my nose on catalogue pages.i'd been using bathroom tissue but that's running out. hope it lasts me til tomorrow. i pee a lot. i know, more information than you needed. i suppose i could use a washcloth. what a brilliant idea! did i come up with that?
Posted by Lisa ::
7:31 PM ::
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