Sunday, February 12, 2006
death to talksalot
well, apparently, talksalot fired another snow guy. the guy who came today didn't even have a plow. he did a shitty job on my driveway. i still have to wade through snow to get to my car. maybe she's not firing these people, maybe they're refusing to work for her. now that sounds about right. i know that i sure as hell wouldn't want to work for her.
i just noticed the fuzzy, almost full moon. i like having my desktop right near the window. there's not a hell of a lot to see out there, but still it's nice. a quiet road, one streetlamp.
oliver is keeping me company up here. when i'm upstairs, i want to be downstairs. when i'm downstairs, i want to be upstairs. what i really want is a fuckin' cigarette. these Jolly Rancher lollipops aren't doing the trick. and they're so damned big. they cut off your air supply.
okay, i'm going downstairs so that i wish i can be upstairs again....
Posted by Lisa ::
6:08 PM ::
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