Saturday, February 11, 2006
marshmallow, my lover, my friend...
damn, awake again. well, ella and oliver had to go out anyway. they won't be able to go out tomorrow if we get this shitty snowstorm.
oliver is so cute. the cats go out and come in the back door. i let oliver out a few minutes and apparently she wasn't getting a response there so he went around front and stood on the porch railing and all i could see was him peeking in the window. with his blue eyes just the slightest bit crossed. yeah, he's cross-eyed sometimes. the poor guy.
i thought it was going to be icky, stern nurse this morning, but it was regular nurse and she does what she regularly does. she came in, dumped some of her life on me and went on here way. she left me with a set-up of meds for tomorrow in case there's a huge amount of snow. she said that if we didn't get the storm, she'd see me tomorrow. she had to by law. what the hell law is that?? i'm not under any order to take my meds. i have a feeling it was Marsha's law. so i don't know if i can sleep late tomorrow or not. i guess if i wake up and can't see my car, it's probable that she won't be coming. at this point they're saying that most of it is going to go to our southeast. sorry Chatty.
poor chuckie just can't seem to get enough attention. she's the most attention seeking one of the cats. right now she's crawling up my back. i given her a LOT of attention in the past half hour. she just eats it up. she'll sit next to me and just purr away. as long as she's touching me, albeit with her butt, she's happy as long as she's gotten a lot of attention before that.
all of the cats have such different personalities. ella is the most easy going. you can pick her up and cradle her on her back and that's fine with her. she never starts fights. boo is loving but more meek. and when she gets overstimulated, she threatens to bite you. chuckie, well, chuckie is chuckie. always getting into something she's not supposed to. and oliver lets you know when he's had enough pets when he yawns. when that happens the next thing he'll do is bite. and he's a very strong cat. you can feel it in your bone when he bites you. he never draws blood, just makes one hell of an indentation. i don't know what i'd do without any of them.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:48 PM ::
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