Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17

thought i'd give you another shot of my beautiful Chuckie.
no library today. both are closed. actually maybe forbes is open, the hours i got were for the summer. if the e'ton library was open i'd be there.
i got some cigarettes. i went to Jim's with a couple of dollars and some change and the guy was nice enough to give me a pack of some cigarettes. virginia slims. but beggars can't be choosers.
i called my sister yesterday afternoon asking for a dollar and fifty cents and a roll of toilet paper. she ignored me. you'd think she'd at least give me the roll of toilet paper. i didn't get her , i left her a message on her answering machine. i had the worst time figuring out how much money i had. i had to do it on paper. i don't know what's wrong with my brain lately.
oh no, duck man is shirtless again. he needs a bra. and why do they call them training bras? either you need one or or you don't.
i'm listening to a thunderstorm on my iPod. and it's sunny out. pretty cool. don't have to worry about lightning strikes.
i went upstairs yesterday to find the bat. couldn't find it. haven't braved the third third floor yet. the barbarian offered to help. two people screaming like little girls. i'll have to make sure the roos aren't home. lord knows what they'd think we were doing.
i haven't wet the bed in a week. yay! the couch actually since i've been hiding down here from the bat. the house is ruled by a mouse-like creature with wings. did i say huge wings? with HUGE wings.
guess i'm going to have to call lydia tomorrow for some toilet paper. hope she's not as broke as i am.
the Big E started over the weekend. i'd love to go. it's like a huge fair. lydia was excited at the possibility but neither of us can afford to go. and we have a Six Flags near here, would love to go to that too. i want to go on a roller coaster, dammit. not one that makes you wet your pants, just one that makes you hang on tight.
i don't see anyone tomorrow except the morning nurse.and people at the library. i'm so glad that i can get online there. otherwise, i'd be going nuts. and i'm not seeing the squid until thursday this week. i'll see marsha on tuesday.
h called last night and he said that i wasn't making any sense. i had taken my nighttime pills. i just remembered that and sent him an sms that i was coherent today.
he just called. he and the girlfriend broke up. i kind of guessed that when he called on a saturday night.
i feel like i'm rambling. that's what happens when people are separated from the internet. the brain starts to go. mumble, mumble, mumble.....
Posted by Lisa ::
9:18 AM ::
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