Monday, August 21, 2006
finally cleaned the cat litter box. not as well as i’d like to. chuckie was waiting to use it. i’m usually very good about keeping it clean. i don’t know why i’d been putting it off.
i’ve got news. are you ready? i vacuumed. i don’t know what came over me. it was scary really. and then i remembered that i used to like to vacuum. i used to like to iron too, especially in the winter. but it was h’s clothes that i ironed. mine don’t need ironing. i used to wear clothes that needed ironing. but not anymore. now i don’t even have an ironing board. got an iron though.
this day seems to be going so slow. no internet. i want to be reading blogs. i’m so bored. yeah, i could do some more housecleaning. some dusting perhaps. hmmm. nope. it freaks the cats out if i clean too much.
i just found a dead bat in the bedroom. ella must have done away with it. she’s the hunter. don’t like the idea of bats in the bedroom but at least ella gets them. first one i’ve found. are there others?
i finally set up my speakers for the iPod. i’ve had them for over a year. i’m listening to the dixie chicks (blush.)
i’m waiting for the library to open.
i resheduled my appt. with the pdoc. for next month when i can get gasoline. but i’ll have to call her about the note for the pissheads.
the barbarian will just have to pick me up wednesday. we’re going to the food pantry. so it will be out of her way to come get me. oh well, i assume she gets paid for mileage.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:31 AM ::
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