Monday, August 14, 2006
stuff and things
i met the barbairian friday morning for coffee. she knew that the library in town here had internet internet access. mine got shut off. so you won’t be hearing from me as much now. i’m not even asking how much i need to pay to get it turned back on. i know i can’t afford it this month. i used the internet a lot more than i thought. i miss the IM.
my sister is being weird. not just about her getting married without telling me. but she always has something negative to say to me. about me. i’ve decided that i’m not going to see her or talk to her for a while. i feel shitty enough with out someone adding to that . this last thing was about my going over to her house with my hair looking dirty. i got this neutrogena shampoo that gives you seinfeld hair. she told me to take a shower before i came over. she goes nuts if i have a spot on my shirt.
the pdoc has me on a beverage with elecolytes. she believes my falling and all is due to an electrolite imbalance. it’s not very tasty. i bought some at BJs wednesday. marsha actually called while i was there to make sure that i had bought it or was buying it. i got to tell her that it was in the shopping cart. i hate sweet drinks, except for coffee coolatatttas. and hot chocolate. or milkshakes, of course. wednesday i got some lemon juice. i like lemon juice with water. no sugar. my own version of lemonade.
wendnesday, h was escorting me home. those back roads can be confusing so he led with his truck until we got to the main route. he suddenly screeched to a halt. i almost slammed into the back of his truck. a little family of racoons was crossing the street. i forget what he said he saw on the way home. a deer, but there were a couple of other animals.
obviously his father lives out in the country. it was fun to go to his father’s. h did most of the cooking. he’s a very good potato masher. i had told him to buy red potatoes, so that he wouldn’t have to peel. he remembered the red potatoes
but forgot the part about not peeling them. he proudly showed me how well he peeled the potatoes i should have just shut up and praised him on his peeling skills, but i opened my mouth and told him the reason i asked for red potatoes was because they didn’t need to be peeled. so when i praised him on the mashed potatoes, all he could think of was that he peeled them when he shouldn’t have. i kept telling him it was all right. that he hadn’t ruined them or anything.
the chicken was excellent, we put it in my secret marinade and cooked it on the grill. and i steamed some green beans.
i could have/should have cooked more chicken. h ate his in like five minutes. then he started filling up on mashed potatoes. of which there were plenty. he cut up enough for .....for a lot of people. S, h’s father’s girlfriend, made garlic bread. i love garlic bread. she makes an excellent garlic bread. better than any of the resaurants around here.
we were sitting around the dining room table dunking strawberries into chocolate. h’s father went to bed. S asked h and i how long we’ve known each other. uh oh. i had no idea. i mouthed to her that i didn’t know. h saw me. i think it hurt his feelings that i didn’t know. he just shook his head. but i remembered our first date and talked about it. i think that made him feel a little better. he brightened up a bit. i think we’ve known each for about 11 years. he made reference to 11 and a half in an email or something recently. but i didn’t want to say it and have it be wrong.
oh, how the hell could i forget? sean called on thursday. we’re meeting next thursday. betcha all didn’t think that would happen. it was so good to hear her voice. and it’ll be good to see her. it’s....i can’t keep track of how long it’s been.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:14 AM ::
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