Sunday, July 30, 2006
i'm grounded
yep, my router went south. no more surfing on the third floor or in bed. i called h to see if i missed any steps in making sure it was the router. yep, the router. i'm going to bring it with me when i go up there for dinner wednesday. he's got another router. i was panicking for a little while. i can't go without my internet.now i'm leashed to my modem with a pretty green ethernet cord. green is my favorite color. boy this iBook is getting hot.
this morning i spent ten minutes, yes ten minutes, looking for my glasses. any of you smartasses who say, they're on your head, well, you're right. i was going nuts looking for them. wondering what i was going to do. i really thought that i'd lost them. dumb ass. i'd still be looking for them if i hadn't gone to rub my eye and hit a lens. i'm just glad no one was here to see me.
oh, duckylady must be in the pool. her floaty is gone. those damn things. i can never get on them, they throw me off. i think it requires a special talent. oh ducklady has a special talent. who would have thought?
Posted by Lisa ::
12:16 PM ::
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