coming and going

Monday, July 24, 2006 just a pinch...

just came from getting my blood drawn. i don't know why but it's starting to bother me. never did before. maybe it's the every week thing. i used to like watching the tube fill up, now i don't watch any of it. she left me with a nasty bruise this morning.
oh, the mail. i hate the mail. oh,surprise. it seems to be only a catalog, i can deal with that. :) sean used to take the recycling. now i have to throw it out.
ducklady just got in her pool. bitch. oops, did i say that? it's a perfect day for swimming. for the lake or the beach. i'd like to just float on my back in the water. i've never been skinny-dipping. am i the only one? i'd do a survey, but i forget where to get that stuff.
okay, i'm out of things to say.....

Posted by Lisa :: 8:11 AM :: 2 comments

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