Friday, July 14, 2006
close call
i finally took the car to the garage today. (the oil light had been flashing and i couldn't get the hood open) i didn't go to my regular one, i took to a place a couple blocks away, that my sister had suggested. he popped the hood open in two seconds and showed me how to do it. no, i'm not that stupid, the cable is broken. his employee pulled the dipstick- no oil! wtf? if i had driven to my regular place...well, goodness knows what could have happened. the whole car could have been ruined. it's a great car. a corolla. green.
the barbarian was here today. she brought coffee thinking we were going to go through all my bills. hahaha silly her. she ended up following me to the garage then we went to the grocers while they were working on the car. my exciting purchase was cherries. haven't had any yet. i haven't had cherries in years, literally.
so the squid was supposed to call sean last evening. she called this morning and apologized for forgetting. i had a feeling that once she got home, she'd forget. now the squid is on vacation for two weeks. she asked me if i'd be comfortable calling sean. i said, i guess i could do that, thinking, no i can't do that. i don't know what i am going to do. i wish sean would just come back. dammit! it would be so good to see's been a month, i think, since i've seen her.
i'm stilll faking it with the barbarian. that sounds odd, doesn't it? some s and m. did i get that right?
Posted by Lisa ::
5:37 PM ::
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