Monday, July 03, 2006
i now have to clean the house. h is coming over tomorrow. not that i feel the need to impress him, i just don't want him coming in and fainting. the nurses are used to it. he isn't.
ella came down for dinner. same time every day. her stomach must have an alarm. blinggggggg!
i'm waiting to hear from my sister about whether or not we'll be playing with chocolate and strawberries this evening.
no chocolate fountain today. my sister has to work later than she thought and there was another reason i couldn't understand, but didn't have her repeat. it's okay. h and i will try it out tomorrow. if he doesn't cancel. he might be really hope i don't go out and get a mess of food and have him cancel.
i can't believe how much larger my living room is without that a/c on the floor. it's not overly hot today. the eighties but i have the air on anyway. cause i can, dagnabbit.
when i got my blood drawn this morning, i asked the woman to fax the paper work straight to the pharmacy. i asked her that last week. she said it didn't work last week, that maybe they changed the fax number. now wouldn't you call the pharmacy to ask for their fax number? every week i have to prove that i got my blood drawn before they will issue the clozaril. something to do with my white blood count.
well, i was planning to spend the rest of the day at home but i'm almost out of asthma meds so i have to go into town to pick them up. the last time i was out, they actually called the nurses to see if it was all right to give it to me. and they were like, it's asthma meds for crying out loud. of course you can give it to her. what did they think i was going to with it? it's a fucking asthma inhaler .fembots.
it seems much later in the day than it is. no nap. that must be it.
i saw the squid today because of the holiday tomorrow. she still hadn't heard back from sean. she offered to call a couple more times. i didn't really answer her. i just called and left her a message that yes, i'd like her to try again.i don't know why she hasn't called the squid. so of course, i feel that it was something i've done. i don't know what to think.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:16 PM ::
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