Wednesday, June 28, 2006
talksalot was just here. now she's next door. the woman literally gives me chest pains. i was trying very hard to pay attention to what she was saying, but the only information that i came away with was that the stray cat isn't. he has a home. and i'm glad i didn't let him in because i saw him spray the bushes outside. they've taken to calling him Boo. i don't know if that's his real name of if one of the condo owners thought of it.
the barbarian came today. we went for nachos at one of the few restaurants in town. i was wondering why she hadn't phoned to confirm the time. she said she tried to call. apparently they shut my phone off. cranky cingular people. there's a message saying something like, this phone is not currently accepting calls. so grace oh, that's the squid, how could i have slipped? the squid won't be able to get through tomorrow or friday. hopefully i can pay what i owe on saturday morning and they'll be able to get it right back working.
the barbarian said that she was going to be my worker for a while. she didn't say how long. and i didn't ask who would be after her. we're going to meet twice a week. wed and friday.except for this week. she's coming tomorrow morning and we're going to put the a/c in the window. then we'll probably go to coffee.
h and i met for coffee this afternoon. he was late and he tried to call four times and got that cranky message. i didn't have my watch on so i didn't know how late he was. i figured i'd drink my iced coffee and if he didn't arrive by the time i was done, i'd head home. but he showed up eventually. he even asked about my sister. didn't ask about me. i tried to talk to him about sean on the phone one night and he clearly wasn't interested in any of it. still it was good to see him and give him a big hug.
he tried to get my hood open but i think he broke it more. but i was grateful for the trying. i'm going to have to take it to the garage. fuckdamn.
duckman is finally moving his soggy cord of firewood out of his driveway. man, everything that man does is in slow motion.
and duck lady is taking a waddle with the dog. i have to stop looking out the windows so much. i drive myself nuts watching these people. why do i do it?
cripes, i just got an email from talksalot. it's the phone number list of all the owners. she made a word document instead of just putting alll five of them in an email. she's a nut. plain and simple. i'm telling you, chest pains.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:20 PM ::
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