Sunday, July 02, 2006
active dream life
i was so confused. i woke up at eight thirt and thought it was eight thirty at night. turns out it was eight-thirty in the morning. i had slept through the night. i don't remember the last time that happened. iit was sure as hell a surprise to me.
i keep waking up doing something with my hands. like drinking coffee or making a cheeseburger, it's quite strange. never had that happen before. then didn't totally wake up, just for a few seconds. that was a babble, sorry.
i have to go meet marsha to get some meds that the morning nurse won't have in the morning. yep, regular nurse will be back from bermuda. she was bitching before she left that marsha was going to go to europe, that she is able to go to europe she only been on two cruises and has two more coming up. poor thing.
did you know that your ears and nose never stop growing? and how about Andy Rooney's eyebrows? someone has to take a weedwhacker to those things. he's starting to look like a sheep dog.
you can tell when i'm depressed. i eat meat. i'm going to get a whopper on the way home.
thank you for for the a/c it much more comfotable in here than out there. i hate it all night and i slept nice on the couch.
i have another air contioner but it's in the in the cellar and i don't want to ask anyone to bring it along two floors. the couch is comfortable.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:05 PM ::
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