Thursday, June 29, 2006
happy happy, joy, joy!
the a/c is in the window and running.the barbarian and i put it in without dropping it into the driveway. the room looks so much bigger without the a/c on the floor. yipee! after we put the air conditioner in, we went over my finances. that was depressing. then we went to coffee, armed with my food stamp application. the cogentin isn't working yet, i kept drooling in the coffee shop. embarassing. and she had to fill my coffee cup for me. i was shaking too much. sometimes it's so frustrating. i hate asking people to do things like that.
oh, there's a nice breeze coming in. it's supposed to be in the ninties but not humid. all i had o do was getting my a/c in the window and humidity stops. such power i have. hmm..to use for good or for evil. i can't seem to wake up this morning. i keep typing things that don't make sense. good thing i read it over.
i have an appt. with mr. fake sideburns this burns. if i could call him, i'd reschedule. i really feel out of it. or maybe that's the way to go see him. he won't be so annoying if i'm in a fog. i've got to leave in twenty minutes. fuckdamn.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:07 AM ::
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