coming and going

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

denise kindly told me how do links on my posts. guesss what? i don't have that option. fuckin damn, damn, damn.
i LOVE my mac. wouldn't have anything else. but so many things aren't mac-friendly, i just want to rip someone's head off.
most of the animated films are done on macs. Monsters Inc. all the ones like that. the Pixar ones.
ah, the ducklady just got into her pool. i can't see them once they're in there. there's a fence. but it's an above ground pool so i can see them climbing in and out. it's fucking hot out there. high 90s. heat index of 100.
h didn't say no to going to the lake at the state park. he didn't say yes either. he's good at that. but usually no yes at the beginning means no. maybe i'll invite lydia. haven't seen her in a while.

Posted by Lisa :: 6:33 AM :: 3 comments

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