coming and going

Monday, July 17, 2006 no mac, no mac, windoze

last night was kind of tough. i'm not sure why.i tried to get into the Asylum chat but it wouldn't let me in. not designed for macs. am i the only one out here with a mac? dammit. i miss all the good stuff.damn. damn. damn.

i think i slept through most of saturday. if it wasn't for my puter telliing me when it was, i'd have no idea. i missed two calls. i just listened to the voice mail. i guess i was really out of it to miss two calls. the phone is only a foot away from me when i sleep. and it still plays the theme to Sesame Street. maybe i need something like John Phillips Sousa. but i like my sesame street. it makes people smile.
just got off the phone with h. it's amazing how much time he has to call and email now that he's been dumped. and he's already on some online dating services. he really hates to be alone. if it was me, i'd think that i'd want a little time before diving into the pool again. i didn't tell him that, i just thought it. he knows what's best for him, i guess. i hope.
he was out there with no shirt to clip his headset to, so it was just dangling while he threw firewook into the truck. it fell out a few times. he actually tried to clip it to his ear and found that was not a good idea, painwise.
i have no obligations tomorrow. no squid, no barbarian, nothing except getting my blood drawn. and the regular nursing visit. sometimes i'm so sick of all the nurses. but currently, they are neccessary. some days i see no one but the nurses. i long for a cabin in the woods. with wonderful plumbing and heating. and a fireplace, and a jacuzzi. and someone to pay for all that.
i was IMing someone earlier today and she said, she didn't comment because she couldn't think of something funny to say. i told her it didn't have to be funny. okay, she never reads my blog, it's tiny. and i think she could use some support right now. she said she's feeling disconnected from every one. some support emails might help. hey babs or denise! how do i make tiny's address linked to her name? i went search through a tutoriial and only managed to lose the post. thank goodness for 'recover post." everything does seem kind of abnormal around here. no one is posting very much. and next time i will remember to open a new tab before going to the tutorial.
i went to get some cigarettes today and was behind someone wearing wearing a shirt of someone with a NASCAR name who will not be mentioned in this blog. i almost threw up. i had to thoink of england and carry on.
right now i'm trying to decide what to cut with. i can go get my bood drawn as long as i tell them which arm. as long as i get the vanilla smelling tourniquet put on my right arm, i'll be fine. i don't know why it smells like vanilla. i've commented on it a couple of times. they don't know why either. i think i'll ask for a strawberry tourniquet tomorrow.
hell it seems a lot later than it is.
Mr. Duck went without a shirt today. one of those middle aged men who shoudn't go without a shirt on. but he was going in the pool, so....
i can see them going in and out, because it's an above ground pool. i should cut him a break. it was 94 to 96 today. and no breeze. and the duck lady looks even funnier in shorts. it looks lke the ducklady..oy vey. it looks like the ducklady is trying to look like a duck.

Posted by Lisa :: 2:08 AM :: 4 comments

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