Friday, August 18, 2006
the squid just called. she’s away for the next two weeks. did i already say that?
the barbarian is due here any minute.
i’m still not feeling positive towards my sister. not just that she didn’t tell me she was married but something else she said that wasn’t very nice. she hasn’t been very kind to me in a couple of months. she’s been different ever since she got a new therapist. not good different. at least i don't think so.
the barbarian came today and we took out all the trash and recycling. the apt. looks so much better without boxes of catalogues and junk mail. now you can see the full extent of the cat hair. whoopie!! that's easy enough to clean off with my super-duper red devil hand vac. i told regular nurse that by the time she came again (monday), the living room would be vacuumed. i think i can handle that. this whole need to clean is freaking me out. someone help!
Posted by Lisa ::
11:09 AM ::
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