Friday, August 18, 2006
it’s been over a week since i’ve had to turn on the air conditioner. little bits of rain, but that’s it. it’s been a beautiful low 80s and sunny.
sean is due here any minute. we’re going to the same cafe we went to last week. the coffee was good there and we’re not likely to run into any of her former co-workers there. i feel like i’m having an affair. thursday afternoons, obscure locations.
saw talksalot today. she came to tell me that a couple of people object to my not attending the condo meetings. apparently there was one last night. they said, either she comes or provides a doctor’s note. i could get one saying that attending the meetings (i don’t know how to spell...) exacerbates my condition. don’t have to say what condition that is. their reasoning for making sure i go is so that i get to hear the opinions on the issues instead of voting blind. the truth is probably that if they have to sit through the meetings, i should have to suffer as well. can’t blame them for that. but both sean and the barbarian said they can't make me attend. poor fuckers. i haven't decided what i'm going to do yet.
just got back from meeting with sean. we had a good time. i asked her about her new position. she said it was much less stress, though it was hard leaving her clients. i’m glad she didn’t leave me behind. it’s so good to see her. again two hours went by before we knew it. the coffee was pretty good. they put a little too much ice in. long on ice, short on coffee.
tomorrow, the barbarian comes to help with the trash and hopefully the piles of recycling. after that we’ll probably go to the grocery store. it’s peanut butter and jelly tonight.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:07 AM ::
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