Saturday, September 02, 2006
the basics
so i guess i’m going to have to borrow a roll of bath tissue. well, not borrow, but have. that’s when you know that you’ve hit bottom. 35 cents and no bath tissue. i’m stuck here because the gas gauge is on empty and the car is uninsured. i’m doing okay on the no smoking thing. since thursday? i think. i’ve been chewing on toothpicks. maybe not the most attractive way to handle it but it’s just me here so it doesn’t matter. as long as i don’t run with it in my mouth and poke an eye out, i’ll be fine. it’s funny. i dove into an antique tea pot looking for money for cigarettes and found the toothpicks. i also found some Wind Song and four AAA batteries. such packing skills i have. i just thought....i not only have to borrow bath tissue but i have to ask for delivery. terrific. lydia doesn’t have a car. doesn’t have a license. she can have a license now. she had it taken away the last time that she was found full of klonopin in a field just driving around and around. i could call liz but i’d rather she didn’t know how penniless i am right now. then there’s my sister. she emailed me on wednesday. i got it on thursday. the title of the email was “still upset with me?” that thing that she said that i haven’t shared because it upset me. i tried calling her earlier on her cell phone but got her voicemail and didn’t leave a message. that was before i learned of the great bath tissue shortage. now it’s going to seem that i’m just calling for that. i could ask talksalot. that would be interesting. everyone here would know before tomorrow. they already think that i have an uncurable disease. the male roo is going to paint and stain my part of the porch. i wonder what the appropriate thank you for that is. there was a time when you could just bake a plateful of brownies. now it seems everyone is on a diet. though the roos don’t look like they are on a diet. they’re both kind of overweight. he not so much. but it’s easier for men to be a little overweight than it is for women. it doesn’t show so much on a man. damned men!
more thoughts on toilet paper......
if i can make it last til monday, the guy who was hired to take sean’s place is supposed to take me to the insurance company, i can embarrass myself to him about the toilet paper and he’ll buy me some. i’m supposed to not pee everytime i feel the need to. training my bladder, marsha said. supposed to help with the nighttime bed wetting.
now that that’s all figured out....
now all i can think of is peeing. great. and poppers. i have the food stamps but unless i want to walk a mile with a full bladder to get them, i’m out of luck.oh hell, i just peed. not the couch. in the appropriate place. must conserve tp, must conserve tp.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:09 AM ::
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