Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, Sept. 18
just came back from lydia's. she gave me a roll of toilet paper and five dollars. i looked in the bag and said, oh a big roll. she asked if that was alright. she's so funny. how can a roll of toilet paper be wrong? oh leave it to Denise or Babs to find a way.
someone is hammering like hell out there. as soon as i wrote that, they stopped. what magical powers i have.
for lunch i had rice and italian dressing. i don't recommend it. amazing the things you'll eat when you're hungry. did i say that they messed up my food stamps? they were supposed to send me something to sign. they never sent it. and the worker was on vacation last week. the barbarian said that if i didn't get it by tuesday to call them and have them fax the forms to the barbarian, so that i can sign them and send them back. weinies! so i didn't get any food stamps this month. thus the rice and dressing. it was that or tomato sauce. not pasta sauce, plain tomato sauce. hopefully, wednesday, we can go to the food pantry. maybe get some more peanut butter. yum. it's usually peanut butter or tuna. i get the tuna so i can share with the cats. but sometimes they throw the peanut butter in as an extra. i just wish the bread they offered wasn't so stale. it's so stale, you worry about breaking a tooth.
i'm really ticked at my sister for not getting back to me. i could be using junk mail as toilet paper for all she knows. i feel like i don't know her anymore. i'm not sure what happened. this change of behavior. not very attractive.
i just braved my way upstairs. the upstairs "bat" is the smoke detector. i guess i need to get some batteries after i get my check. it makes sense that all the batteries should be running out of juice at about the time, having all been put up at the same time. glad i didn't call an exterminator. he/she would have laughed their asses off. i probably wouldn't have been the first one to call an exterminator for a smoke detector, but i'd rather not be a part of that group. like the woman who called puter tech support because her pc wouldn't work. and she couldn't see well because the power was out so she didn't have light to see behind the computer. double d'oh!
i wonder if that's a true story...
Posted by Lisa ::
9:18 AM ::
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