Friday, April 21, 2006
no nap
my diuretic is kicking in so i'm peeing every five minutes. not conducive to a nap. ah well....
so i'm going to breakfast with Liz on Sunday. we're going to our usual spot, Sylvester's. it used to be the residence of sylvester graham. the inventor of the graham cracker. he's buried in the cemetery across the street from where i used to live. i miss living across from the cemetery. dead neighbors are quiet neighbors. and if they're buried, it's even better.
all the cats have gone to bed. chuckie's bed is downstairs. it's otherwise known as the chair. but she's taken it over. she and boo both. taking turns. when boo gets up and finds that chuckie is already there, she sits patiently on the arm of the chair. when chuckie gets up and finds boo there, she stands up on her back feet and starts to pummel boo about the head. but boo doesn't get down, she just smacks chuckie back. it's kind of funny actually. not for them, i suppose.
i wonder how late sean will be today. it's always a guessing game about when she will arrive. she's due here at noon. any bets? one? one-thirty? that gets on my nerves sometimes.
a balloon would stick to my head today. i'm a mass of static cling. i wonder if i rubbed Bounce on my hair if that would help. maybe put some sheets of it on the floor and roll around on them.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:33 AM ::
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