Friday, April 21, 2006
dinner et al...
went for prime rib last night with my sister. i asked her how she was doing, she said, better. are you ready for the big one? bumblefuck wants to go to vegas so they can get married. my sister lost her job and only has health insurance until the first of the month. so he figures they should go next weekend. that way she'll be covered on his insurance. he never actually said, to get married. he said they wouldn't be going to gamble and made other hints as to the reason they'd be going but never actually said the words. she looked at him and said, you can't even say it. he ended up telling her that she could think about it. this guy is a nutcase. i had nothing to say to her when she told me that. what could i say? do i think that she's considering it? i don't know. didn't sound like it but with all of her medical expenses, part of her must be thinking about it. she has irreversible damage to her back which keeps her always in pain, despite pain pills. she takes a lot of psych meds. and the cost of appts.....it all must be scaring her. she's going to apply for medicaid. she called to request an application and got all of this information in the mail- but no application. i left a message for sean early this morning asking her if she had any. she must. hopefully she'll remember to bring one with her today. we're supposed to be going to the grocery store but i think i'm only up for coffee. i have rice and pasta for over the weekend.
the nurse just left. she actually had all my pills for the weekend. so i won't have to see the nurses at all this weekend. means i don't have to get out of bed except to feed the cats all weekend. i like that idea. it's supposed to rain all weekend. not having to go out in it will be nice.
so much for staying in out of the rain. just listened to my messages from last night and my friend Liz and i are going to go to breakfast. it'll be good to see her so i guess i can get a little wet. plus, i'll pick her up so i'll get to see what they've done to the old house. i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. i guess i'll find out.
sean's not coming til twelve, well she said twelve but it will probably be more like one. i have plenty of time for a nap.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:04 AM ::
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