Wednesday, April 19, 2006
my sister called. she sounded much better but didn't refer to the other day. she said that she had just gotten her messages.
we're going to dinner tomorrow night. prime rib...yum. mashed potatoes....yum. the broccoli they put as more of a garnish....not so yum. always cold.
oh, the mail carrier is in shorts today. must be spring.
it's amazing how the leaves on the trees seem to be coming overnight. still lots of bare trees. don't know which ones are blooming. the oaks, i think. although the maples at the end of the street are blooming too. i miss my little japanese maple, Amos. they better not have done anything to him. back to the woman i hate who bought the house. i haven't picked up my friend Liz so i haven't seen the house. i haven't even spoken with her to get any gossip about the house. i just called and left a message for her. she's a librarian at the university library. sometimes i feel dumb around her. not anything she does, just that she's on top of all the news and i am so not. news of the weird, maybe. but not the important stuff. invited her to breakfast over the weekend. but usually i have to get her earlier in the week, she's always got plans. maybe we can catch a movie or something.
she went to Ireland the first spring that she lived across from us. she would have been a great one to go with after i had sold the house, when i had the money. if i had been doing better....but i wasn't. i could have paid her way too. all she would have needed would have been vacation time. she was a great neighbor. i wish i could have a neighbor like that here. but no such luck. here, there is talksalot and ducklady.ah, well....
i have to say that the clozaril makes me think less about suicide. so i guess it's doing it's thing. though i have to admit, that's why i tried to order the ativan. so that i'd have something to fall back on in case it got really rough. i'm afraid to go get easter candy because i'm afraid i'll get razor blades while i'm there. maybe it's all gone by now anyway. i still have chocolate in the trunk of my car from christmas. wonder what it's like now. it's just fine. just had a piece. yummy! too rich for more than one piece at a time. regular nurse doesn't eat chocolate because of the caffeine. she's weird. i'd like to recline in bed and have a whole box of bon-bons at my disposal. and a really cute guy to bring me whatever else i wanted.perhaps Elliot. cripes, i can't even remember his last name at the moment. Sadler, that's it. just one day.yep, that would do it. i miss having a cute guy around. just one of those things about not wanting to be in a relationship. ho-hum
i feel like i've talked about all sorts of thing. i have to pick lydia up in about half an hour. i guess i'll go mumble to myself.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:48 PM ::
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