Monday, April 17, 2006
sleep, glorious sleep
now that the clozaril makes me forget my dreams, i wish i could sleep all the time. i had a nice nap after the nurse left. i love my pillow. i love my bed full of cats. only three of the cats sleep with me. chuckie prefers to sleep by herself.
my sister is supposed to call at noon. we're either going to go to lunch or to wallyworld.
she said she had her bags packed ready to leave bumblefuck the other day. i asked what stopped her. her son is still living there. and her dog needs surgery and she wants him to recover in a familiar place. he has a tumor under his eyelid that has to be removed. it's going to cost her450 dollars. she got purebreds and they seem to have more problems than mixed breeds. he's got arthritis in his hips so he doesn't do stairs well. i didn't ask her where she was planning to go after she'd packed her bags. she knows that they don't allow dogs here. and she's not leaving those dogs behind. bumblefuck doesn't know how to take care of them. not to mention, that it would break her heart. i hate seeing her in the position that she's in. she can't work. she has almost no income. i wish i could help her. i'm worried about her.
if i had gotten the other condo i looked at in town here, she'd be able to move in. but i didn't like it much. it was the size of a house and i wanted something smaller. plus the real estate agent lied about water in the basement. she said the owner had left the basement window open and that's how the water got in. but the water was nowhere near the window. anyway...
my sister just called in tears. she's going to see her pdoc or her therapist, i don't know which. she says she can't stand it anymore. bumble fuck is such an asshole. the things he says. he's like a spoiled adolescent. the man is 50 years old and he still hasn't grown up.
i'm going to get some iced for my coffee.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:02 AM ::
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