coming and going

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 today

i saw the squid, sean and marsha today. and i still feel like shit. i tried to call my sister but she isn't answering. she takes so many pills for anxiety attacks,depression and for the damage to her back, i'm afraid one day she's going to have a weak moment and take too many. maybe i'm just projecting.
man, i need a bigger bra. there's just no getting around it. i have to keep hauling them back in place. fine when i'm alone but not so great when you're in public and you feel you need an adjustment.
so i talked to the squid about my sister's problem. i had forgotten my phone at home. when i came home after the squid and getting my blood drawn, there were two messages from sean. the second one, saying that she was coming here because she couldn't reach me. i tried calling her at the office, then tried the receptionist six times. no answer. sean called an hour later and said that she finally figured out where i was. i went into town and we had good coffee at the usual place.
she couldn't make a time for tomorrow because her brain kept crashing. (her brain is what she calls her palm pilot)
the people across the street are raking their lawn. Hah! you non-condo owners. the wind has been howling all day. trying to entertain your kids and get the yard work done at the same time. Hah!
has anyone else heard of what global warming is doing to the polar bears? it's awful. i just thought of it because i pet ella and than rubbed my nose and imagined my whole face covered with cat hair.
i just talked to lydia. we're going to dinner tomorrow night and she is NOT going to be taking pain pills first.
i know, i'm all over the place today. i can't blame it on COFFEE. only had one large cup.
life is so depressing. what's the point in going on? my only fault is my sister. if i didn't think it would destroy her, i'd be out of here in a minute.

Posted by Lisa :: 4:16 PM :: 2 comments

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