Wednesday, April 19, 2006
no sean
sean called about an hour ago. she wasn't feeling well and was going home to bed. she didn't sound very good and she was very pale yesterday. she said she'd calll me in the morning. i'm not glad she's not feeling well but i'm kind of relieved that we're not doing anything today. i think dinner with lydia will be more than my share of human contact today.
it's another beautiful day though still rather windy. we're still under fire warning. it's supposed to rain over the weekend.
i've been waiting for my ativan to show up in the mail. i got an email today saying that they were no longer allowed to accept credit cards. and to visit their sister site. well that's in Europe and the prices are higher. i guess i won't get any. but i need something different from the klonopin. it just isn't working. i have a pdoc appt. the first week of may and i wish that i could ask for it then. maybe if i can get up the nerve to tell sean that it works she could bring it up. the ativan really works. i had been taking my mother's when i needed it. and then my sister's a couple times. it really calms me down.
my sister hasn't called me back yet, which is not a good sign. i'm hoping that she'll call me after bumblefuck leaves for work this afternoon. if only i hadn't voted no dogs. she could stay here rent free and her son could sleep on the couch. i'd give my sister the bed and i could sleep on the third floor on the futon. fuck! i hate it when there's nothing that i can do to help. i'm so mad at bumblefuck, i could spit in his face. i really could. the bastard. H. was passive-agressive which made me angry. angry is better than hurt. she sounded so awful on the phone the other day. i hope she calls me back today. i get nervous when she's not in touch. i worry more than i do when she calls crying. fuck!
Posted by Lisa ::
11:55 AM ::
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