Friday, April 21, 2006
enjoying a Corona
it's been a long week. sean and i ended up going for coffee which wasn't very good. it was iced coffee and not strong enough. she's going to New York this weekend to visit her daughter at school. she's going to get stuck driving in the rain. we don't have a time for monday. i forget what she said she had to do in the morning but she said that she'd probably call in the afternoon. seems like it's going to be a long weekend.
i was going to go to the little grocer's to pick up a few things but that seemed too hard so i hit the liquor store for some beer and tortilla chips. healthy dinner, huh? seemed to fit my mood. i don't know why i'm so depressed. even being with sean didn't cheer me up. i wanted to tell her that things were never going to get better. i wanted some kind of reassurance. but i said nothing.
my brain feels all sticky. thoughts getting stuck, not being able to remember things. had to keep asking sean to repeat things cause they weren't getting through to my brain.
i wish i could get lost in a project. but i seem to have the attention span of a gnat. there's certainly enough to clean around here. and i know that i would feel better if the house was clean.
i just called my sister to see if she wanted to go to wallyworld over the weekend. we're going on sunday. need cat litter!
i wish today wasn't friday. well, i do and i don't. i wish i could see sean tomorrow but i'm also looking forward to sleeping in. part of me just wants to take all the pills that they left for me this weekend all at once. really be out of it. it would be a safe night to do it with no one coming in the morning. i don't know, i'll have to think about it.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:46 PM ::
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