coming and going

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 went to bed early

now i'm up early. got up at about three-thirty. tried reading a few blogs but don't have the concentration for more than just the short ones. i could probably go back to sleep but then i'm afraid i'd sleep through my alarm. not looking forward to today. would just as soon go back to bed once the nurse has come and gone. but i have that lousy pdoc appt. and i meet with marsha after that. i don't want to meet with anyone today. i just want to spend the day asleep. what's that whining sound?
my glands really hurt. everytime i cough, it feels like they're going to pop out of my neck.there's that whining sound again. damn. i guess it's not going to go away.
it's supposed to reach 50 degrees today and tomorrow.
obviously i really have nothing to say. don't know why i'm trying.....

Posted by Lisa :: 4:23 AM :: 3 comments

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