Tuesday, February 14, 2006
i don't know what else to do....
other then blog. it's now that i have a hell of a lot to say.
i hope sean is in tomorrow. my condo fee is due tomorrow and i need help figuring out what to do.
here comes ducklady home. she looks more like a duck after dark. just the light of their outside lamp.
remember a couple of weeks ago i sent my sister an email asking her if i'd done something that made her stop reaching out to me. i never received a response. that's never good. maybe i should have kept my mouth shut. but there were big things that she was not telling me about except after they were over and then through email, not calling. i don't know what's going on. except that it makes me feel sucky. i'm worried about her but afraid to call. i'm not sure why. i should have called her rather than sending the email. i just didn't feel up to it.
say the squid today. i stayed for about half an hour then i had to leave. it was just too much. even though we were mostly talking about the weather. i was very uncomfortable there. at least i don't have to worry about going for another week. her hair hasn't been sticking up for the past couple of weeks. i guess it's grown some. oh, who the fuck cares?
Posted by Lisa ::
6:34 PM ::
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