Tuesday, February 14, 2006
stuff and things
no, no check today. i should have called. i wrote a check that's going to bounce today, for cat food and spaghettos. i didn't know what else to do. if i eat rice again, i'm going to puke. i can't remember the last time i had spaghettios.probably the last time i watched Giligan's Island. sean was out sick today. i kind of figured that she would be after she was so tired yesterday. tomorrow i have an apt. with the pdoc. and i don't even know what to tell her. i slept most of today and when i wasn't sleeping i was crying. these meds just aren't working.part of last week was okay. but then it all starts up again. i know the money problems aren't helping. i hope sean is in tomorrow. we'll meet before i go to the pdoc and then she'll come with me to the appt. and when i say i'm fine, she'll tell the doc that i'm not. i don't understan how i can feel good for part of a week then come crashing down. i have a candle lit and it's where my water usually is and i keep reaching for the candle to drink it.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. even to Babs' cockroaches.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:08 PM ::
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