Tuesday, December 19, 2006
and i care because?
this happened a few weeks ago but it still makes me laugh. h IMed me the following information. he had sex five times in twelve hours. a personal best, he said. unless he was forgetting something from our time together. nope. he wanted some kind of acheivement award, i guess. and why is he telling me this? i guess there are a limited number of people you can share that with. and apparently, he felt i was one of them. he's since dumped that woman and gone on to another. i don't know if he'll be trying to top that record. just thought since he shared that with me, i'd share it with you. aren't i thoughtful?
i saw the squid today. i won't see her again until the 3rd of January. my insurance covers 15 visits every 17 weeks. makes a lot of sense, huh?
i watched Sleepy Hollow yesterday. with my friend the Depp. it was so cute how he kept fainting. thought it was a good movie.
talksalot still hasn't had any luck selling her condo. hell, i just have my sights set on that free tv.
now she's emailing me jokes. i don't need anymore jokes in my in box. i just delete them. it annoys me.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:32 PM ::
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