coming and going

Friday, June 29, 2007 suicidal sparrows

is it just here in the North that birds have grown balls? they wait til the very last second to get out of the road. i'm ready to slam on my brakes and off they go. i'm really worried that i'm going to hit one of them.
i had one of the worst anxiety attacks that i've ever had last night. i took all my prns for the whole weekend. crawled into bed with oliver and eventually fell asleep. then the phone rang. but i felt much better. now i have to hope that i'll do all right for the rest of the weekend. i have nothing more to take.
i think i'm going to the fireworks tonight with my friend Lydia and another friend of hers. i say "think" because i'm worried that i'm going to back out at the last minute. we'll see... actually, i could probably see them from my third floor.
i got most of my hair chopped off yesterday. it was half-way down my back, now it's just above my shirt collar. and it only cost me ten dollars, thirteen with the tip. it looks cute. i look younger. :P
i sent H an email yesterday morning telling him that i was hurt that he never said anything about Rhea (my great aunt who passed away earlier in the month.) haven't heard anything from him. we'll see if i do.
well, i'm off to read some blogs.
take care.

Posted by Lisa :: 8:50 AM :: 4 comments

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