Thursday, April 12, 2007
saturday morning
i'm the first one in the library this morning. got a prime parking place. :)
woke up this morning, had no idea what day it was. had to look at my phone.
went to the dentist yesterday. for the first time in ten years. had no cavities. i'm thinking they got my x-rays mixed up with someone else's. i can't believe it. those damned plastic things they put in your mouth to take the x-rays really dig into your gums. and everything was pink. the cup, the bib, the napkins. i'd have chosen blue myself. the dentist didn't even introduce himself which i thought was kind of strange.
when the barbarian picked me up to take me to the dentist, she had another client in the car. she was going to take me to the dentist, then bring the other person home. on the way to the dentist we talked about going to the beach this summer. i don't know. i always have anxiety attacks when i'm at the beach. but i love the ocean. the smell of it, the way it goes on forever and ever. and i bet i could talk the barbarian into making a sand castle. i always wanted to go with H, but he never wanted to go. speaking of H. he's had an interesting few weeks. the woman he moved in with punched him out. then she called the police saying that she felt intimidated. she went off in handcuffs. ended up at the local psych ward. she was going back home the last i heard. i don't know. if someone punched me, they wouldn't continue to live with me. i can say that having lived it. but, everyone is different.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:55 AM ::
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